Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (2025)

The SWIFT/BIC code for Wise Australia Pty is WIAYAU2AXXX.

Nevertheless, Wise Australia Pty use various codes for different services. Confirm the correct code with the recipient or bank.

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Wise Australia Pty

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Wise Australia Pty







Before initiating a transfer to this code from your bank, ensure to double-check it with either the bank or the recipient for accuracy. Please note that we're unable to confirm the existence of this code or verify if it's the precise SWIFT code for the intended account.

Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (1)

What to do with the SWIFT code of Wise Australia Pty?

If you initiate an international transfer to a Wise Australia Pty bank account, or if you are the recipient of funds in a Wise Australia Pty bank account in Australia, you’ll need the SWIFT along with other essential details.

Traditional banks often process international transfers slowly and at a higher cost. As an alternative, the Qonto business account for international transactions provides a swift, cost-effective, and secure solution for transferring funds internationally.

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Where to find your SWIFT code?

In most cases, you can get your bank's SWIFT/BIC code on your bank statement.
With Qonto, you can also get access to our SWIFT/BIC finder tool to find the right code for your money transfer.

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Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (2)
Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (3)
Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (4)
Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (5)
Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (6)
Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (7)
Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (8)
Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (9)

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Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (13)
Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (14)

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Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (15)

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Your questions about SWIFT/BIC codes and Wise Australia Pty

What is a SWIFT or BIC Code?

A SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) or BIC (Bank Identifier Code) code is a standard format of Business Identifier Codes approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It's used globally to identify financial institutions and banks during international transactions, ensuring that funds are sent to the correct place.

How do I find my Wise Australia Pty SWIFT Code?

You can find your Wise Australia Pty SWIFT code on your bank statement, by logging into your online banking account, or by contacting Wise Australia Pty directly. Additionally, it's often listed on the official Wise Australia Pty website under banking information or help sections.

Do I need a Wise Australia Pty SWIFT Code for international money transfers?

Yes, you need a Wise Australia Pty SWIFT code for international transfers. This code is crucial for routing the funds to the correct bank and branch, ensuring a secure and efficient transfer process.

Are Swift Code and IBAN the same?

No, SWIFT codes and IBANs (International Bank Account Numbers) are not the same. A SWIFT code identifies a specific bank globally, while an IBAN provides detailed information about an individual account within that bank, including the country, bank, and specific account number. Both are used together to facilitate international money transfers.

Do all banks have a SWIFT Code?

Almost all banks involved in international money transfers have a SWIFT code. Some smaller banks or credit unions might not have their own SWIFT codes but use intermediary banks that have SWIFT codes to process international transactions.

Do I also need an IBAN for international transfers?

Yes, for most international transfers, especially within Europe and to countries that adopt IBAN, you will need both the recipient's IBAN and the bank's SWIFT/BIC code. The IBAN helps to identify the specific account for the funds, while the SWIFT/BIC code identifies the bank and its branch where the account is held."

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Wise Australia Pty SWIFT-Code in Australia (2025)
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