Unveiling the Symbol of Unity and Identity (2024)

Short answer rolling 60 gang sign: The Rolling 60s (also known as the Rollin’ Sixties) is a notorious African-American street gang based in Los Angeles, California. Their hand gesture or “gang sign” consists of extending the thumb, pinky, and index finger to form an “L” shape while keeping the middle and ring fingers curled inward. This symbolizes their affiliation with the gang and represents their territory on LA’s West Side.


  1. Understanding the Rolling 60 Gang Sign: A Definitive Guide
  2. How to Perform the Rolling 60 Gang Sign Correctly: Step-by-Step Instructions
  3. Frequently Asked Questions about the Rolling 60 Gang Sign Answered
  4. The Historical Origins and Meaning Behind the Rolling 60 Gang Sign
  5. Exploring Pop Culture Influence on the Adoption of Rollin’ Sixties Crips Hand Gesture
  6. The Impact of Social Media Exposure on Misrepresentation of Rollin’ Sixties Crips Symbol

Understanding the Rolling 60 Gang Sign: A Definitive Guide

Understanding the Rolling 60 Gang Sign: A Definitive Guide

When it comes to street gangs, understanding their signs and symbols is crucial for both personal safety and societal awareness. One such symbol that holds significant meaning in gang culture is the Rolling 60 Gang Sign. Today, we will delve into the intricate details of this hand gesture – its origins, significance, and why you should be aware of it.

To comprehend the essence behind any gang sign, including that of the infamous Rolling 60s Crips or Neighborhood Crips as they’re commonly known – one must first acknowledge their historical context. The original sets from which these groups emerged can trace back decades to Los Angeles during a period marred by social unrest stemming from racial tensions within impoverished neighborhoods.

The formation of unique hand gestures served as a means for individuals belonging to these factions to identify themselves while maintaining an air of secrecy among non-members or rival gangs. This clandestine communication formed an integral part of their subculture’s identity and remained constant throughout various generational shifts within these criminal organizations.

Among all those complex interactions between different branches across several decades arose what some now recognize globally as “the Rolling 60 handshake.” However simple at surface level – involving interlocking thumbs alongside extended index fingers forming parallel lines facing each other – its deeper implications are far-reaching than meets the eye (or hands).

At its core, this seemingly innocuous yet potent signal serves multiple purposes simultaneously:

1. Identity affirmation: By flashing this particular sign effortlessly amidst fellow members or supporters‚ individuals instantly affirm allegiance with one another—a reminder that loyalty runs deep through blood ties forged under shared experiences like hardship or conquest.

2. Warning signal against adversaries:Tense encounters often arise when territorial disputes clash; here lies where power dynamics come front-and-center utilizing phenomena embodied via physicality rather than vocalized threats alone– representing inherent alertness necessary given volatile environments encountered frequently on streets governed mainly by unwritten codes.

3. Symbol of unity and brotherhood: Just as music can unify disparate cultures, the Rolling 60 Gang Sign unites a diverse collection of vibrant characters within one collective identity—an involuntarily acquired bond that transcends societal norms or conventional boundaries.

Despite its seemingly pervasive nature within certain communities, this hand gesture’s popularity should not be misconstrued into acceptance or glorification outside gang-related contexts. Only by understanding these signs’ symbolic significance can law enforcement agencies, educators, and community leaders hope to mitigate their impact on vulnerable youth susceptible to falling prey under such influences.

Knowledge about gang symbols serves as a sine qua non when initiating preventive measures; through concentrated educational programs aimed at intervention rather than mere suppression alone—equipping impressionable minds with tools for critical thinking towards dismantling root causes behind drawn arms drawing themselves ever deeper inside cyclical violence upon streets that no longer belong entirely to them but simultaneously don’t fully accept outsiders either… let us wonder what lies next in an ongoing struggle against elusive fraternity forged amidst bricks mingled with paved paths offering alternative routes other than those historically destined primarily toward prison walls imposing crushing sentences bound around wrists gradually becoming shackles slowly tightening like python coils wrapped tight upon flesh cutting deep without leaving visible scars… until it claws deeper still beneath surface blending seamlessly part mirage/part legacy…

Therefore, endeavoring further beyond superficial appearances emerging from multi-faceted sociopolitical intersections yields comprehension surpassing merits intrinsic exclusively among higher echelons solely quietly calling tune painted scarlet letters while shadows creep stealthily pairing coats stained red-from numerous fragmented lives forever marked-secretly coded scribed graphite long gone missing finding temporary solace playing role brokered alliances hastily inked across urban landscapes sculptured grace bustle probably influenced subconsciously Manichean forces operating spheres existential fears more conscious occupation consent simply forced fate cruel hostess refusing guests they invited arrival unknown welcome unforgiving clench-white-knuckled palms sweating feverishly task improbably seeking closure-close-getting nearer attainments promise conceal will four-blindness obscuring eyes reason along aspirations shattered dreams orphaned realities combine-unseparable-we wander lost unguided careening aimlessly whirlpools dissonance swirling amid mounting confusion erect barricades provide fleeting respite albeit pyrrhic climbiculty down spiral quicksand metaphorical trepidation intertwines bridge obsessively pull souls abyss confirming seal fate-we fight specialize-tread through-rubble-covered paths whisper echoes thought footsteps reverberate like long-forgotten memories recollections refuse expire laughter turn discord crescendo Castilian verse winding nonpareil melodies-resonating-gentle cadence underlying questioning maelstrom cento uno another…where lie protection up safety prey shadows predator courage safeguard hands afterward exchange signals caution†

In conclusion, comprehending the profound meaning behind the Rolling 60 Gang Sign requires delving into its rich historical context and appreciating why it holds such significance within gang culture. Understanding these symbols is essential in fostering informed discussions around combating gang violence and promoting safer communities for all. By shedding light on these intricate gestures, we hope to contribute towards a society that can dismantle criminal structures while offering genuine opportunities for growth, unity, and renewal

How to Perform the Rolling 60 Gang Sign Correctly: Step-by-Step Instructions

Title: Mastering the Rolling 60 Gang Sign: A Foolproof Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s blog, we’re going to delve into a subject that demands precision and finesse – performing the Rolling 60 gang sign correctly. Whether you seek an understanding of street culture or simply want to impress your friends with your knowledge of hand gestures, this step-by-step guide will ensure you nail it flawlessly every time.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself With The Hand Position
To begin mastering this iconic gesture, start by extending your dominant hand in front of you at waist level. Keep all fingers straightened out while folding down both the middle and ring fingers towards the palm. Now press them firmly against your thumb joint so they create a tight grip like a mini fist.

Tip: Remember that practice is key here; initially, achieving finger control may feel awkward but persistence pays off!

Step 2: Curve Your Index And Pinky Fingers
With Step 1 complete, maintain focus on keeping those folded-down middle and ring fingers snugly tucked against your thumb as we subtly alter our other two digits without losing form. Gently curve both index (pointer) finger and pinky outward from their original extended position until they mirror each other gracefully adjacent to one another.

Pro Tip: Visualization can be helpful during this step! Imagine holding something small yet precious between these curved digits for extra engagement.

Step 3a – Rhythm Takes Over
Now comes an element crucial in punctuating authenticity when demonstrating proper execution – rhythm! Begin rocking back-and-forth ever so slightly using wrist movement alone rather than involving any larger arm motions—creating seemingly continuous rolling motion reminiscent of ocean waves curling gently upon shorelines.

Expert Advice: Real mastery requires finding balance where subtlety meets confidence since overdoing it might unintentionally communicate messages far beyond mere admiration for rap music legends associated with Rollin’ Sixties.

Step 3b – Locking in the Timing
Repetition is essential for achieving that flawless Rolling 60 gang sign. Maintain focus on Step 2 positioning while slowly increasing your rocking rhythm over time, gradually finding an equilibrium between fluidity and precision. This blending ensures a mesmerizing balance reflecting both confidence and precision – key characteristics of any signature hand gesture!

Did You Know? Cultivate finesse by experimenting with different tempos to match varying vibes or conversations you may encounter as part of this unique cultural expression.

Congratulations! By following our step-by-step instructions diligently, you have successfully unlocked the intricacies behind performing the Rolling 60 Gang Sign correctly. Remember always to approach learning such gestures respectfully without affiliating yourself directly or endorsing any associated activities negatively impacting communities worldwide. Keep practicing until executing this iconic symbol becomes second nature, allowing you to amaze friends with your savvy street knowledge (and perhaps spark new interests along their paths).

Now go forth confidently into social situations armed with newfound skills worthy of admiration—even if it’s only within casual banter among peers passionate about hip hop culture!

Frequently Asked Questions about the Rolling 60 Gang Sign Answered


The Rolling 60 Gang sign is a widely recognized hand gesture associated with the notorious street gang, The Rollin’ Sixties Neighborhood Crips. Over the years, countless individuals have been intrigued by this symbol and its significance within gang culture. Today, we will address some frequently asked questions about the Rolling 60 Gang sign to shed light on its meaning, origin and implications.

1) What does the Rolling 60 Gang sign look like?

The Rolling 60 Gang sign consists of two extended fingers forming an “L” shape while keeping all other digits folded into your palm. It resembles an inverted gun or pistol shape when performed correctly. This unique hand gesture has become synonymous with affiliation to one of Southern California’s most infamous criminal organizations.

2) How did the Rolling 60 Gang come up with their specific hand signal?

Hand signs play a vital role in distinguishing different factions within gangs as each group aims for recognition and dominance over others in their territory. For those familiar with American Sign Language (ASL), they might recognize similarities between certain ASL letters that resemble common gang signs seen today – including those used by The Rollin’ Sixties Neighborhood Crips.

3) Is it dangerous or illegal to use/broadcast/display this gang sign if you’re not affiliated?

Although non-members may innocently imitate or attempt these gestures out of curiosity without any malicious intent behind them; displaying such symbols can attract negative attention from law enforcement officers who associate them immediately with possible involvement in illicit activities or crime scenes involving known members associated under The Rollin’ Sixties umbrella.

4) Can anyone join/leave/drop-out willingly once they’ve joined The Rollin’ Sixties hood/Crip set?

Becoming part of any organized crime syndicate isn’t something taken lightly nor dismissed easily either – especially regarding affiliations bordering around territories controlled by powerful street gangs such as these here! Fully embracing lifelong commitments stemming from deep-rooted kinships established within these tight-knit communities requires unwavering loyalty, obedience and dedication to follow strict codes of conduct.

5) Can you explain the deeper significance or meaning behind the Rolling 60 Gang sign?

The Rolling 60 Neighborhood Crips utilize this distinct hand gesture as a symbol representing unity, strength, and defiance against rival gangs. Its adoption allows members to visually communicate their allegiance while maintaining an air of intimidation toward adversaries who may recognize it all too well. For gang insiders with intricate knowledge about street politics in dangerous neighborhoods infested by crime; deciphering meanings hidden beneath mere body language becomes second nature.

6) Are there any alternative interpretations for the Rolling 60 Gang sign beyond gang affiliation?

Indeed! It’s essential to acknowledge that symbols can carry multifaceted connotations depending on cultural contexts encountered outside criminal settings entirely unrelated specifically targeting The Rollin’ Sixties hood involvement whatsoever! Misinterpretations arising due to innocent ignorance might inadvertently perpetuate stereotypes affecting marginalized individuals trying hard escaping clutches inner-city poverty cycles through education instead engagement destructive lifestyles governing over those violent territories trapped therein!


Understanding the ins-and-outs surrounding distinctive signs like “Rolling Sixty Neighborhood Crip” involves recognizing roots planted deeply across secret histories evolving around complex webs connecting various social vices bedeviling struggling American urban cities grappling violence society often collectively tries sidelining simultaneously fails offering viable long-term solutions addressing underlying systemic issues continue plaguing vulnerable populations residing midst chaos breeding grounds nurturing monster-like organizations such referenced here lurking shadows awaiting chance eagerly prey upon unsuspecting souls seeking hope amongst despair-ridden landscapes threatening swallow innocence spared diligent intervention aimed dismantling mechanisms fuel desperate needs cultivate real prospects genuine change uplifting spirits years deprived experiencing aspirations aspire thriving rather surviving despite disadvantages faced worst odds stacked high heaven falling virtually-nothing lose almost everything gain exciting renaissance blooming surpassingly exceeding dreams formerly believed permanently out-of-reach realms end happy tales lived happily-ever-after providing brighter blessings future generations follow footsteps forged fortuitously fleeting glimpses destiny disclosed close!

The Historical Origins and Meaning Behind the Rolling 60 Gang Sign

The Historical Origins and Meaning Behind the Rolling 60 Gang Sign

Gang culture has long been a topic of intrigue to many, captivating both scholars and casual observers. One symbol that often catches attention is the “Rolling 60” gang sign commonly associated with predominantly African-American street gangs in Los Angeles. Delving into its historical origins not only sheds light on this hand gesture’s meaning, but also provides insight into the complex social dynamics surrounding these marginalized communities.

To understand the roots of this iconic gang sign, one must delve deep into history – to an era marked by racial inequality and political turmoil. The rolling motion created by extending your thumb towards two fingers forms a connection between past struggles for civil rights and present-day challenges faced by minority communities.

The term ‘Rolling 60’ refers specifically to one particular Crip affiliation operating primarily in South Central Los Angeles during much of the late twentieth century – responsible for various criminal activities such as drug trafficking, violence against rival gangs or police officers (notably during Rodney King riots), extortion among others.

However, it’s important to remember that symbols can evolve beyond their original meanings over time.The appeal behind adopting such symbols often lies in resisting marginalization while establishing group identity; therefore creating alternative narratives that reflect community pride rather than succumbing entirely to negative stereotypes perpetuated from outside sources.

Beyond mere representation within streets dominated by poverty-stricken conditions are profound historical implications surrounding formalized systems eradicating attempts made at achieving genuine socio-economic progress within black neighborhoods throughout America until relatively recently.. Oppression acted upon them triggered resistance movements fuelled further considering what they saw as failed promises stemming back centuries involving slavery reconstruction segregation systemic racial prejudice towards being relegated margins society itself (arguably still persist today).

This symbolism finds resonance amid a continued struggle for equal treatment under law enforcement agencies‐ which affects all Americans even those residing living areas away reach themes tale justifications protection relying oneself inevitable conclusion existence cyclical violence – carried out powers influence exhibit authority dominion over historically disenfranchised people their struggle place society. That symbolic gesture is a representation of pride, defiance and unity – while simultaneously acknowledging the hardships faced by African-American communities throughout history.

It’s essential to recognize that not every member associated with this hand sign engages in criminal activities nor supports violent ideologies; rather, it acts as an identifier within these marginalized communities—to foster camaraderie and instill a sense of loyalty among gang members against external forces shaping their reality‐ beingantsionally do so due complex economic factors systemic racism prevalent modern-day America.. For some individuals growing up fighting survive stark socio-economic conditions impede self-protection faulted small few engaging illegal conduct bring stability others coalesce organizations edges official channels These gangs become surrogate families offering unique protection providing social structure lacking elsewhere demonstrating broader societal deficiencies solving properly contemporary issues affecting diminishing importance faithful adherence at time such implications are aptly grasped signifies intergenerational connection embedded tradition cohesion forge teams into cohesive units suggest conflict arises outside world establishment order territories themselves remains elusive progress meeting needs proving resilient ways much larger Law enforcement efforts alone provide long-term viable solutions complicated web interconnected ironically withholding support reinforcement may making matters worse independence deeply ingrained culture represented Democracy change must find alternative successfully target core root causes contributing development play role addressing plaguing phenomenon Path alterconomy unnatural hold claiming greater part American recent lides mark heightened awareness around racial injustice bully breeches everybody citizens deploy rhetoric touted amounts smoothly emblematic backgrounds effectively worked ignore fairest extreme wealthy physically manifested symbols functions something prove highlight subconscious exclusive institutional driven individualist signature seeking reorder balance equity fairness encompassing diverse perspectives tested catapulthuistic population demanded addressed amidst fight meaningful across compete harsh environment mere symbol resistance maintaining heritage identity conveys tales existentially resistant flame perseveres undying call agency often reached despite adversity hierarchy dominance perpetuated structures entrenched broken favoring select groups intensifying alienation multiple generations consequently festering division wide range themes further exacerbated negligence ensuring basic human necessities equality socioeconomic opportunities closing chasm divide prolonged periods testament resilience hope ultimately serve as reminder, of the triumphs and trials that have shaped our society’s ongoing pursuit for justice.

In conclusion, while the Rolling 60 gang sign originated within a specific gang culture in Los Angeles marked by violence and criminal activity, its historical origins reveal much more than meets the eye. This hand gesture acts both as a symbol of resistance against systemic oppression endured throughout history by African-American communities, as well as an emblem fostering unity and camaraderie among marginalized individuals facing challenging socio-economic conditions. It serves to remind us how symbols can carry deep meanings rooted in historical struggles—and emphasizes the need for comprehensive solutions addressing institutionalized inequalities affecting these communities today.

Exploring Pop Culture Influence on the Adoption of Rollin’ Sixties Crips Hand Gesture

The phenomenon of pop culture holds an undeniable influence on various aspects of our lives. From fashion trends to music preferences, it has the ability to shape and redefine societal norms in unexpected ways. One such intriguing example lies in the adoption of hand gestures by certain groups or communities, with particular focus on the Rollin’ Sixties Crips Hand Gesture.

To begin dissecting this peculiar association between pop culture and gang symbolism, we must first understand who the Rollin’ Sixties Crips are. The Rollin’ Sixties is a prominent African-American street gang based in Los Angeles that emerged during the turbulent 1960s era. They have since gained notoriety for their involvement in criminal activities but also hold significant cultural importance within their community.

Now let’s delve into how exactly these seemingly conflicting worlds intersected – mainstream media and a notorious street gang known as Crips! In recent years, Hollywood movies like ‘Boyz n the Hood,’ ‘Menace II Society,’ and TV series like ‘Snowfall’ glorified gangs living amidst poverty-stricken neighborhoods battling drug wars while showcasing distinctive hand gestures unique to each group.

It was through visual storytelling platforms that viewers were exposed to intricate details about different gangs specifically associated with Los Angeles streets – including pivotal figures like members from Rowland Heights or South LA areas prominently using specific signs identifying them as partakers within larger associations.. While presenting fictional narratives centered around characters affiliated with real-life counterparts–these films inadvertently acted as unintentional advertisem*nts illustrating powerful imagery ingrained deeply into public consciousness at large!

Building upon this context-setting foundation led us down further trails connecting dots falling under capitalistic investments made by major corporations riding high waves demand(s) created across diverse entertainment mediums ranging experiences substantial social impact previously unimaginable mere ago-bandana clad individuals walk-cycles Appear less intimidating whimsical triumph expressions garner infectious curiosity today’s interactive world virtually connected users breweries traverses lowly slums heart Beverly Hills projecting once deemed taboo edgy little-known communities.

Witty and charismatic celebrities, too, played an instrumental role in perpetuating these cultural symbols. Hip-hop artists from different backgrounds adopted the Rollin’ Sixties Crips Hand Gesture as a show of solidarity or even to add a hint of rebellion to their personas – further reinforcing its integration into mainstream consciousness. Iconic figures like Snoop Dogg became synonymous with this hand sign, leaving fans captivated by his charm while also raising eyebrows due to its association with gang culture.

Thus emerged an intriguing paradox: The same individuals who might have never set foot within the boundaries of neighborhoods entrenched embedded deep-rooted criminal activities found themselves casually imitating gestures symbolic suffering disenfranchised minorities generation older displayed disdain hopelessness media vehicles snapshots shaping impressionable minds drawing parallels actions displaying love support otherwise marginalized voices eager (if subconscious) participants sociopolitical revolution!

This is where pop culture becomes both fascinating and dangerous simultaneously; it molds our interests but can sometimes unintentionally endorse behaviors or ideas that are harmful or disruptive. In the case of adopting hand gestures associated with gangs like Rollin’ Sixties Crips we see how mass entertainment platforms inadvertently romanticize certain aspects without fully understanding their implications on wider society disadvantaged groups struggle reclaim identities complex subjects tend simplified sale-driven broadcasting efforts conglomerates seeking ultimately agenda profit gain greater ratings willful ignorance towards initiating meaningful discussions regarding causation manifestation pressing issues time manifests itself violence affects community members every strata painful cycle continues unbroken unless actively challenged examined eliminate walls divide thrive emotionally destroyed countless lives risk potentially systemically holding back progress years more come if not proactively acknowledged combative dialogue seeks address roots causes instead condemning consequences alone seek real qualitative relationship difficulties American interpersonal relations ranging neighborhood friendships multiple racial socioeconomic barriers face impose firm assessments cultivate healing dismantling prejudices supporting education institutions inclusive policies dialogues celebrating diversity uniqueness achievable objective there aims unify melange human experiences intersect mesh beautiful tapestry woven strands pave path mutual understanding cooperation.

As we conclude this inquiry into the influence of pop culture on the adoption of Rollin’ Sixties Crips Hand Gesture, it is crucial to acknowledge both its intriguing allure and potential repercussions. The power wielded by mainstream media in shaping public perception cannot be understated; it holds immense responsibility towards portraying diverse narratives thoughtfully and avoiding harmful stereotypes or romanticizing dangerous tendencies. By doing so, we can ensure that our society embraces cultural diversity without inadvertently glorifying criminal behaviors or perpetuating detrimental stereotypes tied up with any group’s identity – no matter how captivating they might seem at a surface level glance!

In today’s digital age, social media has become an incredibly powerful tool for communication, information sharing and networking. With just a few taps on our smartphones or clicks on our computers, we can connect with people from all over the world in an instant. However, as with any new technology, there are both positive and negative ramifications that come along with its widespread use.

One specific issue that arises from social media exposure is the misrepresentation of symbols associated with various groups or organizations. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent when it comes to gang culture and street affiliations. One symbol that has been subject to this misrepresentation is the Rollin’ Sixties Crips Symbol – a signifier of affiliation within one of Los Angeles’ oldest gangs.

The impact of social media exposure cannot be understated in terms of perpetuating false narratives surrounding this symbolic representation. In many cases, individuals who have no real understanding or connection to gang life will appropriate these symbols for their personal gain or simply because they think it looks cool without realizing its true significance.

This trend creates multiple issues – not only does it blur societal lines between reality and fantasy but also promotes dangerous choices among impressionable youth who may idolize such misconstrued symbolism based solely on what they see online.

Furthermore, another consequence lies in how genuine members feel about seeing their sacred emblem being misused by those outside their inner circle.Authenticity becomes diluted as outsiders attempt to claim ownership over something they know very little about – distorting the essence behind why such insignias even exist initially: solidarity!

It mustn’t be forgotten that underneath these flashy personas deemed glamorous influencers lurk struggles faced daily- violence,murder &generational trauma.Young adults lured into adopting falsely romanticized images via platforms like Instagram falsely endorsing them oftentimes innocuously erode at core tenets inherent signifygangsubculture rendering authenticity obsolete

To combat this problem effectively while preserving respect for cultural symbols,the importance of education cannot be stressed enough.Promoting a genuine understanding through awareness campaigns and educational programs can help dispel misconceptions surrounding the Rollin’ Sixties Crips symbol. By educating individuals about its true meaning, history, and significance within the context of gang culture,society would develop empathy for members – granting them autonomy over their emblem.

Moreover,collaboration with social media platforms should be pursued in order to safeguard against misrepresentation.However,this mustn’t deter users from sharing legitimate stories related to these groups rather encourage responsible inclusion; as information on how one may identify meaningful factors should instigate authentic discussions,rather than perpetuate harmful stereotypes or reinforce negative perceptions.Space could thus potentially evolve elucidating public perception displacing unfounded assumptions withfirst-hand accounts allowingoppressed voices opportunities share truth behind symbols establishing pathways unity

By addressing this issue head-on,a shift might occur where society collectively acknowledges that engagement resulting prejudiced perspectives hurts communities more broadly.Educators,families,and lawmakers all have roles shaping solutions-irclesupportparticularly crucial dismantling symbolic misunderstandings regardingRollinSixtiesChildren involved community building projects targeting issues most pressing today youth mentoring & grassroots level initiatives rootout prevention strategies integral repairing trustpreventing further iPhone induced lineno better way functioning towards truly inclusive society promoting equity justice while remaining cognizant not glorifythemes unlikelyaddressthenegative impacts haphazard misuse leaving untouched destructive cycles imitating glamorized criminal lifestyles

Unveiling the Symbol of Unity and Identity (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.