The ULTIMATE Spring Bucket List (2024)

The ULTIMATE Spring Bucket List (1)

Tell me I’m wrong.

It feels like yesterday that you were pulling on your boots and scarf to brave the weather.

You were sipping hot chocolates, bundling up under cozy blankets, readingthat awesome Hygge book that everyone’s been Instagramming non-stop, pondering the correct pronunciation of the word “Hygge”… and of course, dreaming of all the perfect things you were going to do in the Spring.

And suddenly, here it is! It’s caught you, you’ve been blind-sided, and now you’re trying to work out just how, exactly, you’re going to get the most out of the sweetest of the four seasons.

Or maybe that’s just me?

Because to me it felt like Spring hit literally on the first of this month, like “WHAM BAM, here I AM!”

And suddenly it’s sunny and we don’t need to run the expensive oil heater in Jackson’s room overnight and oh yeah our backyard is PROLIFIC (with weeds and wild nasturtiums) and there are butterflies ERRYWHERE.

Personally, I adore Winter, but even I can admit that the abrupt change in season from Winter to Spring always gives me all the warm toasty feels. The kids and I spend SO MUCH TIME outside every day! And something about it all gives me mad spring cleaning/life fixing vibes. Change is in the air! And it smells like honeysuckle!

I just want to soak in Spring. Come Summer, I’ll probably be hiding in my fridge-cold air-conditioned bedroom. I am basically allergic to hot weather. Like it actually disgusts me to my core.


Spring is my jam.

FACT: Not one single human being on the entire planet has ever hated Spring.

(Alright, that is clearly a made-up statistic but I think it has some clout, no?)

I wanted to create a Spring bucket list to ensure that Isqueeze every last awesome drop out of Spring this year. The things I see in Spring. The things that happen in Spring. All the lovely things associated with Spring. A Spring things list!

So without further ado…

The ULTIMATE Spring Bucket List (2)

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The Ultimate Spring Bucket List

  1. If you haven’t already, check out our 3-step challenge to Spring clean your life!
  2. Buy yourself a bunch of flowers and pop them in your favourite vase
  3. Walk somewhere in your neighbourhood you haven’t been before
  4. Open up the curtains and windows, and let that Spring breeze bring your house to life!
  5. Jump on Etsy and order a pretty print to display in your home
  6. Eat a weekend breakfast out in the back yard
  7. Take a book to a Cafe, sit outside, order something sweet, and read
  8. Plant a few herb pots
  9. Try a new healthy recipe (our nutty oat banana bread is divine!)
  10. Grab a bottle of wine, a baguette and a wheel of brie and have a late afternoon picnic with a friend
  11. Plant some flowery seedlings out the front of your home
  12. Skip the grocery store for a week and visit a farmer’s market instead
  13. Take a bunch of photos, print them and stick them in a mini photo album to document your Spring
  14. Make a fresh, Spring-y linen spray (our DIY isso simple)
  15. Buy a new dress from the thrift store
  16. Press some flowers
  17. Buy a tinkly wind chime and hang it outside
  18. Send encouraging cards to some friends via snail mail
  19. Eat salad for dinner (try our !)
  20. Create a Spring playlist
  21. Refresh your couch with some cute new cushions (these Green Plant Throw Pillow Covers are adorable!) or a pretty new throw blanket
  22. Try out a new form of light exercise
  23. Throw a brunch for some friends you want to get to know better
  24. Adopt a new house plant (we have some great inspiration here)
  25. Go out somewhere with a flower in your hair
  26. Visit an orchard
  27. Deeply de-clutter one problem room in your home
  28. Make a big fruit salad
  29. Find a friend who could use some help in the garden, and spend a weekend day helping out
  30. Paint your toenails a fun colour

Now I figured you wouldn’t want to come back to this blog post every day to check the list and pick a new item to tick off (though no blogger in her right mind would say no to all those delicious page views. Hee hee.)

So you you’ve got two options. You could copy and paste the above into a word document to print blandly in black & white, Arial size 12.



You could download the super pretty printable version I madejust for you.

The ULTIMATE Spring Bucket List (3)

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So the only question left is: which item are you going to attack first?! Personally I’m eyeing off number 10 something fierce. Followed closely by number 24.

Pin this list for later or even share it with your friends on Facebook!

Is there anything on your Spring bucket list that I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Spring, beautiful people! Make it count!

The ULTIMATE Spring Bucket List (4)
The ULTIMATE Spring Bucket List (5)
The ULTIMATE Spring Bucket List (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.