Luxembourg, Luxembourg to PT - Savvy Time (2025)

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Time Difference

CEST (Central European Summer Time) is 9 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time
9:00 pm21:00 in Luxembourg, Luxembourg is 12:00 pm12:00 in PDT

Luxembourg to PT call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 6pm-8pm in Luxembourg which corresponds to 8am-10am in PT

9:00 pm21:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time) (Luxembourg, Luxembourg). Offset UTC +2:00 hours
12:00 pm12:00 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Offset UTC -7:00 hours

9:00 pm21:00 Luxembourg, Luxembourg / 12:00 pm12:00 PDT

Luxembourg, Luxembourg PT
12am (midnight) 3pm
1am 4pm
2am 5pm
3am 6pm
4am 7pm
5am 8pm
6am 9pm
7am 10pm
8am 11pm
9am 12am (midnight)
10am 1am
11am 2am
12pm (noon) 3am
1pm 4am
2pm 5am
3pm 6am
4pm 7am
5pm 8am
6pm 9am
7pm 10am
8pm 11am
9pm 12pm (noon)
10pm 1pm
11pm 2pm
0:00 15:00
1:00 16:00
2:00 17:00
3:00 18:00
4:00 19:00
5:00 20:00
6:00 21:00
7:00 22:00
8:00 23:00
9:00 0:00
10:00 1:00
11:00 2:00
12:00 3:00
13:00 4:00
14:00 5:00
15:00 6:00
16:00 7:00
17:00 8:00
18:00 9:00
19:00 10:00
20:00 11:00
21:00 12:00
22:00 13:00
23:00 14:00

Luxembourg Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name

CEST - Central European Summer Time
CET - Central European Time

UTC / GMT Offset

+2:00 hours during Central European Summer Time, currently in use.
+1:00 hour during Central European Time.

Daylight Saving Time Change

+1:00 hour - DST is in use

Daylight Saving Time Starts

Luxembourg, Luxembourg to PT - Savvy Time (2) Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 2:00 am local time. DST starts annually the on last Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 31, 2024, 3:00 am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.

Daylight Saving Time Ends

Luxembourg, Luxembourg to PT - Savvy Time (3) Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 3:00 am local time. DST ends annually the on last Sunday of October. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, October 27, 2024, 2:00 am local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

Luxembourg Facts



Alternative Names

Bandar Luxembourg, Ciudad de Luxemburgo, Ciutat de Luxemburg, Dinas Lwcsembwrg, LUX, Letzebuerg, Letzeburg, Liksanbou, Liuksemburgas, Ljuksemburg, Louxemvourgo, Lucemburk, Lucilinburhuc, Lucsamburg, Lucsemburg, Lueksemburg, Lueksemburq, Luessemburgh, Luksambuur, Luksemboarch, Luksembourg, Luksemburg, Luksemburga, Luksemburgo, Luksemburgu, Luksembùrg, Luksimbur, Lungsod ng Luksemburgo, Lusenburgo, Lussemborgh, Lussemburgo, Lussemburgu, Lussimbork veye, Luxemboerg, Luxemborg, Luxemborj, Luxembourg, Luxembourg by, Luxemburg, Luxemburgo, Luxemburgum, Luxembuurich, Luxembôrg, Luxembörg, Luxenburgo, Lëtzebuerg, Lúksemboarch, Lúxemborg, Lüksemburg, Lüksemburq, Lüssemburgh, Rakapuo, Rakapuō, Stad Letzebuerg, Stad Lëtzebuerg, Stadt Luxemburg, Ville de Luxembourg, lak sem beirk, lakcampark, lakjhembarga, lksmbrg, lu sen bao cheng, lu sen bao shi, lugsembuleukeu, luksemaburga, luksemburgi, lwksmbwrgh, lwkzambwrg, lwqsmbwrg, rukusenburuku, Λουξεμβούργο, Луксембург, Люксембург, Лүксембург, Լյուքսեմբուրգ, לוקסמבורג, لوكسمبورغ, لوکزامبورگ, لوکسەمبورگ, ليۇكسېمبۇرگ شەھىرى, لکسمبرگ, लक्झेंबर्ग, লুক্সেমবুর্গ, லக்சம்பர்க், ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ལུ་སེམ་བའུརག, ლუქსემბურგი, ሉክሰምበርግ, ルクセンブルク, 盧森堡城, 盧森堡市, 룩셈부르크




Euro (EUR)

Geographic Coordinates

49° 36' N Latitude / 6° 07' E Longitude

International Dialing Code


Pacific Time

Pacific Time (PT) is a general term used to describe the areas that observe either the Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) in the United States and Canada. PT also called Pacific Coast Time. PT is not static but switches between PDT and PST.

Territories observing the Pacific Time Zone are primarily in North America. It runs through the western part of Canada, the United States and the Northwestern part of Mexico.

Countries: It is used in following countries: Canada, Mexico, United States.

Principal Cities: The largest city in the PST timezone is Los Angeles from USA with population about 3.793 million people. Other major cities in the area are Vancouver, Tijuana, San Diego, San Jose.

French: HNP - Heure Normale du Pacifique

Spanish: PT - Tiempo del Pacífico, PT - Zona Noroeste

Pacific Time (PT) is a general term used to describe the areas that observe either the Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) in the United States and Canada. PT also called Pacific Coast Time. PT is not static but switches between PDT and PST.

Territories observing the Pacific Time Zone are primarily in North America. It runs through the western part of Canada, the United States and the Northwestern part of Mexico.

Countries: It is used in following countries: Canada, Mexico, United States.

Principal Cities: The largest city in the PST timezone is Los Angeles from USA with population about 3.793 million people. Other major cities in the area are Vancouver, Tijuana, San Diego, San Jose.

French: HNP - Heure Normale du Pacifique

Spanish: PT - Tiempo del Pacífico, PT - Zona Noroeste

PT representations, usage and related time zones

W3C/ISO-8601: International standard covering representation and exchange of dates and time-related data

  • -08 - basic short
  • -0800 - basic
  • -08:00 - extended

Email/RFC-2822: Internet Message Format Date Standard, typically used for timestamps in email headers

  • -0800 - sign character (-) followed by a four digit time providing hours (08) and minutes (00) of the offset. Indicates eight hour and zero minutes time differences to the west of the zero meridian.

Military/NATO: Used by the U.S. military, Chinese military and others

  • Uniform - Military abbreviation for PT
  • U - short form of 'Uniform'

PT Abbreviation: Several time zones share PT abbreviation and it could refer to these time zones

  • Pacific Time - UTC -8
  • Palau Time - UTC +9

Time zones with the GMT -8 offset:

  • AKDT - Alaska Daylight Time
  • PST - Pacific Standard Time
  • PT - Pacific Time
  • PST - Pitcairn Standard Time
  • U - Uniform Time Zone


Luxembourg, Luxembourg to PT - Savvy Time (2025)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.