Garlic Salt vs Garlic Powder: What's the Difference? (2024)

Garlic is a popular ingredient in many dishes, adding a distinct flavor and aroma. Two common forms of garlic in cooking are garlic salt and garlic powder. While they may seem interchangeable, some critical differences between the two can affect a dish’s taste and texture.

Garlic salt combines salt and dehydrated garlic, while garlic powder is made from ground fresh garlic cloves. Garlic salt is often used as a seasoning for meats, vegetables, and soups, while garlic powder is commonly used in dry rubs, marinades, and dressings. Both seasonings can add a rich and bold garlic flavor to any dish, but adding salt in garlic salt can affect the overall saltiness of a dish and may not be suitable for those on a low-sodium diet.

Table of Contents

Understanding Garlic Salt

Composition of Garlic Salt

Garlic salt is a seasoning blend of garlic powder and table salt. The ratio of garlic powder to salt in garlic salt is typically 1:3, meaning that for every 1 part garlic powder, there are 3 parts salt. The mixture is then ground together until the ingredients are well combined. Some commercial brands of garlic salt may also contain additional spices or flavorings, such as parsley or onion powder.

Uses of Garlic Salt

Garlic salt is famous in various dishes, including meats, vegetables, and soups. It is beneficial in recipes where both garlic flavor and salt are desired, as it eliminates the need to add both ingredients separately. Garlic salt can be used as a rub for meats, sprinkled on vegetables before roasting or added to soups and stews for extra flavor.

However, it is essential to note that garlic salt should not be used as a direct substitute for garlic powder or fresh garlic in recipes. This is because garlic salt contains a significant amount of salt, which can alter the dish’s overall flavor and sodium content. If a recipe calls for garlic powder or fresh garlic, it is best to use those ingredients instead.

Garlic salt is a seasoning blend of garlic powder and table salt. It is a versatile seasoning used in various dishes but should not be used as a direct substitute for garlic powder or fresh garlic.

Understanding Garlic Powder

Garlic powder is a popular seasoning that is made from dehydrated garlic cloves. It is commonly used in cooking to add a garlic flavor to dishes without the hassle of peeling and chopping fresh garlic. In this section, we will look at the composition of garlic powder and its uses.

Composition of Garlic Powder

Garlic powder dehydrates garlic cloves and grinds them into a fine powder. The powder is often mixed with other ingredients, such as salt or anti-caking agents, to prevent clumping and improve texture. The composition of garlic powder can vary depending on the brand and manufacturer, but it typically contains the following:

  • Alliinase enzymes
  • Allicin
  • Allyl methyl sulfide
  • Allyl mercaptan
  • Allyl disulfide

The alliinase enzymes in garlic powder convert alliin into allicin, the compound responsible for the characteristic garlic flavor and aroma. Allicin is also responsible for many health benefits of garlic consumption, such as improved cardiovascular health and reduced risk of certain cancers.

Uses of Garlic Powder

Garlic powder is a versatile seasoning that can be used in various dishes. It is commonly used in soups, stews, sauces, and marinades to flavor garlic. It can also be used as a rub for meat or vegetables before grilling or roasting.

Here are some common uses of garlic powder:

  • Seasoning for roasted vegetables
  • Flavoring for dips and spreads
  • Ingredient in dry rubs for meat
  • Flavoring for popcorn
  • Ingredient in homemade salad dressings

Garlic powder can be a convenient and flavorful alternative to fresh garlic in many recipes. However, it is essential to note that the flavor of garlic powder is not as strong as fresh garlic, so you may need to use more of it to achieve the desired flavor. Additionally, some brands of garlic powder may contain added salt, so be sure to check the label if you are watching your sodium intake.

Garlic powder is a valuable and versatile seasoning that can add flavor and aroma to various dishes.

Comparison Between Garlic Salt and Garlic Powder

Taste and Flavor

Garlic salt and garlic powder have a strong flavor, but the difference lies in their taste. Garlic salt is a mixture of garlic powder and salt, which means it has a salty taste in addition to the garlic flavor. On the other hand, garlic powder is pure garlic that has been dried and ground into a fine powder, meaning it has a more intense garlic flavor than garlic salt. Therefore, when using garlic powder, one must be careful with the quantity to avoid overpowering the dish.

Nutritional Values

Garlic powder and garlic salt have different nutritional values. Garlic powder has a higher concentration of garlic, meaning it has more nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, than garlic salt. However, garlic salt has a higher sodium content due to the added salt. Therefore, if one is watching their sodium intake, it is advisable to use garlic powder instead of garlic salt.

Versatility in Cooking

Garlic salt and garlic powder are versatile in cooking, but their uses differ slightly. Garlic salt is perfect for seasoning dishes that require salt, such as meats, vegetables, and soups. It can also be used as a substitute for regular salt in recipes for an added garlic flavor. On the other hand, garlic powder is ideal for dishes that do not require salt, such as sauces, dressings, and marinades. It can also be used as a seasoning for popcorn, roasted nuts, and garlic bread.

Garlic salt and garlic powder are excellent ingredients in the kitchen. They both have a strong garlic flavor, but the difference lies in their taste, nutritional values, and versatility in cooking. When choosing between the two, it is essential to consider the prepared dish and the desired flavor profile.

Pros and Cons of Garlic Salt

Garlic salt is a popular seasoning that is used to add flavor to various dishes. However, it has pros and cons that one should be aware of before using it in cooking.


  • Convenience: Garlic salt is a convenient seasoning that can be used in place of garlic and salt. This means you can save time and effort by using garlic salt instead of measuring both garlic and salt separately.
  • Flavor: Garlic salt provides a strong garlic flavor with a slightly salty taste. It can enhance the flavor of various dishes, including meats, vegetables, and soups.
  • Long Shelf Life: Garlic salt has a long shelf life, meaning it can be stored for a long time without losing flavor or quality. This makes it an excellent option for those who want to stock up on seasonings.


  • Sodium Content: Garlic salt is high in sodium, which can concern those watching their sodium intake. Consuming too much sodium can lead to health problems, including high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Inconsistent Flavor: The flavor of garlic salt can vary depending on the brand and quality. Some brands may have a more robust garlic flavor, while others may have a more salty taste.
  • Not Suitable for All Dishes: Garlic salt may not be suitable for all dishes, especially those that require a more subtle flavor. In some cases, using garlic salt may overpower the other flavors in the dish.

Garlic salt can be a convenient and flavorful seasoning to use in cooking. However, knowing its high sodium content and potential for inconsistent flavor is essential.

Pros and Cons of Garlic Powder

Garlic powder is a popular seasoning made by grinding dehydrated garlic cloves into a fine powder. It is a convenient and versatile ingredient in various dishes, from soups and stews to marinades and rubs. Here are some of the pros and cons of using garlic powder in cooking:


  • Convenience: Garlic powder is a convenient ingredient to have on hand because it is easy to store and has a long shelf life. It can be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to six months, making it an excellent option for those who don’t use fresh garlic often or want to save time when cooking.
  • Consistency: Garlic powder has a consistent flavor and texture, which can be helpful when cooking dishes that require precise measurements. Unlike fresh garlic, which can vary in taste and intensity depending on the season and variety, garlic powder always has the same flavor profile.
  • Versatility: Garlic powder can be used in various dishes, from soups and stews to marinades and rubs. It can also add flavor to sauces, dressings, and dips.


  • Less flavor: While garlic powder is a convenient ingredient on hand, it does not have the same depth of flavor as fresh garlic. Some people find that garlic powder has a slightly bitter taste, which can be off-putting in certain dishes.
  • Texture: Garlic powder has a fine texture that can be difficult to work with in some recipes. It can clump together with liquids, resulting in uneven flavor distribution.
  • Processing: Some garlic powders may contain additives or preservatives, which can concern those sensitive to specific ingredients. Reading the label carefully and choosing a high-quality garlic powder free from additives and preservatives is essential.

Garlic powder is a convenient and versatile ingredient that can be a great addition to any kitchen. While it may not have the same depth of flavor as fresh garlic, it is a convenient option for those who want to save time when cooking or who don’t use fresh garlic often.

Choosing Between Garlic Salt and Garlic Powder

Garlic is a popular ingredient in many dishes, and it can be found in different forms, including fresh garlic, garlic salt, and garlic powder. When choosing between garlic salt and garlic powder, there are a few factors to consider.


Garlic powder is made by dehydrating garlic and grinding it into a fine powder. It has a more concentrated flavor than fresh garlic but is less potent than garlic salt. On the other hand, garlic salt is a mixture of garlic powder and salt with a milder garlic flavor.

Sodium Content

One of the main differences between garlic salt and garlic powder is their sodium content. Garlic salt is a mixture of garlic powder and salt, containing more sodium than garlic powder. Garlic powder may be a better option for individuals watching their sodium intake.


Garlic powder is a more versatile ingredient than garlic salt. It can be used in various dishes, including soups, stews, sauces, and marinades. Garlic salt, on the other hand, is best used as a seasoning for meats, vegetables, and salads.


Both garlic salt and garlic powder have a long shelf life, but garlic powder can last longer than garlic salt. Garlic powder can be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to a year, while garlic salt lasts up to six months.

In conclusion, choosing between garlic salt and garlic powder depends on personal preference and the prepared dish. Garlic powder is a more versatile ingredient with a longer shelf life, but garlic salt can add a mild garlic flavor to dishes and seasoning. Individuals who are watching their sodium intake may prefer garlic powder, while those who want a milder garlic flavor may prefer garlic salt.


Garlic salt and garlic powder are popular seasonings that can add garlic flavor to any dish. While they are similar in taste and appearance, they have distinct differences that make them better suited for specific recipes.

Garlic powder is made by grinding dried garlic cloves into a fine powder. It is a versatile seasoning used in various dishes, including soups, stews, and marinades. It is also an excellent option for those watching their sodium intake, as it contains no added salt.

Garlic salt, on the other hand, is a blend of garlic powder and salt. It is a convenient seasoning that can be used in place of regular salt in many recipes. However, it is not recommended for those on a low-sodium diet, as it contains significant salt.

When choosing between garlic salt and garlic powder, it is essential to consider the recipe you are making and the dietary restrictions of those who will be eating it. While both seasonings can add a delicious garlic flavor to your dishes, garlic powder may be a better option for those watching their sodium intake, while garlic salt may be a better option for those who want a convenient all-in-one seasoning.

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Understanding Garlic Salt

Composition of Garlic Salt: Garlic salt is a seasoning blend of garlic powder and table salt, typically in a ratio of 1 part garlic powder to 3 parts salt. Some commercial brands may also contain additional spices or flavorings, such as parsley or onion powder [[SOURCE 1]].

Uses of Garlic Salt: Garlic salt is commonly used in various dishes, including meats, vegetables, and soups. It is beneficial in recipes where both garlic flavor and salt are desired, as it eliminates the need to add both ingredients separately. However, it should not be used as a direct substitute for garlic powder or fresh garlic in recipes due to its significant salt content [[SOURCE 1]].

Understanding Garlic Powder

Composition of Garlic Powder: Garlic powder is made from dehydrated garlic cloves, ground into a fine powder. It may also contain other ingredients, such as salt or anti-caking agents, to prevent clumping and improve texture. The key compounds in garlic powder include alliinase enzymes, allicin, allyl methyl sulfide, allyl mercaptan, and allyl disulfide, which contribute to its characteristic flavor and aroma [[SOURCE 1]].

Uses of Garlic Powder: Garlic powder is a versatile seasoning used in soups, stews, sauces, marinades, and as a rub for meat or vegetables before grilling or roasting. It can also be used in popcorn seasoning and homemade salad dressings. However, its flavor is not as strong as fresh garlic, so a larger quantity may be needed to achieve the desired flavor [[SOURCE 1]].

Comparison Between Garlic Salt and Garlic Powder

Taste and Flavor: Garlic salt has a salty taste in addition to the garlic flavor, while garlic powder has a more intense garlic flavor. Care should be taken with the quantity of garlic powder to avoid overpowering the dish [[SOURCE 1]].

Nutritional Values: Garlic powder has a higher concentration of garlic and more nutrients, while garlic salt has a higher sodium content due to the added salt. Therefore, garlic powder may be a better option for individuals watching their sodium intake [[SOURCE 1]].

Versatility in Cooking: Garlic salt is suitable for seasoning dishes that require salt, while garlic powder is ideal for dishes that do not require salt, such as sauces, dressings, and marinades. Garlic powder is also more versatile in its applications [[SOURCE 1]].

Pros and Cons of Garlic Salt


  • Convenience: Garlic salt is a convenient seasoning that saves time and effort.
  • Flavor: It provides a strong garlic flavor with a slightly salty taste.
  • Long Shelf Life: Garlic salt has a long shelf life without losing flavor or quality [[SOURCE 1]].


  • Sodium Content: It is high in sodium, which may concern those watching their sodium intake.
  • Inconsistent Flavor: The flavor of garlic salt can vary depending on the brand and quality [[SOURCE 1]].

Pros and Cons of Garlic Powder


  • Convenience: It is easy to store and has a long shelf life.
  • Consistency: Garlic powder has a consistent flavor and texture, helpful for precise measurements.
  • Versatility: It can be used in various dishes, from soups and stews to marinades and rubs [[SOURCE 1]].


  • Less flavor: It does not have the same depth of flavor as fresh garlic.
  • Texture: It has a fine texture that can be difficult to work with in some recipes [[SOURCE 1]].

Choosing Between Garlic Salt and Garlic Powder

When choosing between garlic salt and garlic powder, factors to consider include flavor, sodium content, versatility, and storage. Garlic powder may be a better option for those watching their sodium intake, while garlic salt may be preferred for its mild garlic flavor and convenience [[SOURCE 1]].


Garlic salt and garlic powder are popular seasonings with distinct differences that make them better suited for specific recipes. While both can add a delicious garlic flavor to dishes, the choice between them depends on personal preference, the prepared dish, and dietary restrictions [[SOURCE 1]].

Garlic Salt vs Garlic Powder: What's the Difference? (2024)


Garlic Salt vs Garlic Powder: What's the Difference? ›

As it's a dried product, the flavor is more concentrated, and only about ¼ teaspoon of the product is needed to get the same flavor result as 1 clove of fresh garlic. Garlic salt, on the other hand, is salt (usually, flaky kosher or sea salt) mixed with garlic powder at about a 3-to-1 salt to garlic ratio.

What is the difference between garlic powder and garlic salt? ›

Garlic salt is a mixture of garlic powder and table salt, which makes it a seasoning salt. While garlic powder, as explained above, is just dried and ground garlic cloves. Because garlic salt is a mixture of garlic powder and salt, the garlic flavor is more diluted.

Can I use garlic powder in place of garlic salt? ›

The differences between garlic powder and garlic salt in terms of flavor intensity and texture make substituting infeasible, so don't think you can get away with swapping one for the other without compromising a dish. Lastly, avoid using either garlic powder or garlic salt too liberally, especially with new recipes.

What is the point of garlic salt? ›

We can't imagine getting by in the the kitchen without garlic salt! It's a quick way to wake up flavor, and the perfect fix for a bland sauce or a chicken or fish dish that needs an easy oomph. Use it in any savory dish that calls for regular salt, at the stove or on the table.

How much garlic salt equals 2 tsp garlic powder? ›

Is garlic salt the same as garlic powder? No, garlic salt and garlic powder aren't exactly the same product, although this is an easy mistake to make. Garlic salt is generally made up of three parts salt to one part garlic powder. This means one glove of garlic equals 1/2 a teaspoon of garlic salt.

How much garlic salt is equal to garlic powder? ›

Honestly, not too much. The ratio of garlic to salt in garlic salt is (generally) around one part garlic powder to three parts salt. If we split a tablespoon by four, we get 1/4 tablespoon. If you happen to have a measuring spoon set, just add three 1/4 spoons of salt to one 1/4 spoon of garlic powder.

What's healthier garlic salt or garlic powder? ›

One-quarter teaspoon of garlic salt contains anywhere from 190 to over 400 mg of sodium, depending on the brand, so replacing salt with garlic salt one-to-one will decrease sodium intake somewhat. In contrast, garlic powder contains negligible amounts of sodium.

What can I use in place of garlic salt? ›

Minced garlic and salt is a great substitute for garlic salt. This combination works well with just about any type of recipe that you are making.

Does garlic powder go bad? ›

If the garlic powder has passed the expiration date, it is generally recommended to discard it, as its quality and flavor may have deteriorated. Aroma: Fresh garlic powder has a strong and pungent aroma. If the powder has lost its strong scent or has a musty or rancid smell, it is likely no longer good to use.

Can you eat garlic powder without cooking it? ›

Both! Garlic powder can be used to substitute fresh garlic in any recipe during cooking, as an additive to cold dishes, as a garnish or seasoning or as part of a spice blend.

Do chefs use garlic salt? ›

Blended especially for chefs, McCormick Culinary Garlic Salt is uniformly ground for a smooth, consistent texture and then mixed with a touch of garlic oil and salt, giving menu applications that added kick beyond traditional salt.

Is garlic salt good or bad for you? ›

No added salt is best

The bottom line is that whether it's sea salt or table salt, it makes no difference: adding salt to your food is best avoided altogether. Onion, celery and garlic salt are also high in sodium and are no better.

What is garlic powder good for? ›

Garlic powder can aid in regulating high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and boost the immune system. It is also a great resource to help aid in digestion. The simple spice is loaded with nutrients such as vitamin B, calcium, and iron.

Why do Americans use garlic powder? ›

Meanwhile, as home cooks and the inventors of Chex Mix have known for decades, garlic powder is a way of adding a nuanced touch of savory, funky flavor, or weaving a subtle scent of alliums into a batch of popcorn or a pot of soup.

What spice can replace garlic? ›

Garlic chives, an herb with a garlicky flavor, are an obvious substitute, but here are other herbs and spices you may find useful:
  • Peppercorns—white, pink, or Szechuan—can add different flavors to your cooking.
  • Cumin's distinctive taste may work well in some recipes, especially where garlic is used raw.
Feb 15, 2024

What does 1 clove of garlic mean? ›

Garlic is often sold as a whole bulb, covered with papery white skin. A garlic bulb, also known as a head of garlic, is made up of individual lobes that are attached to the main root. A clove of garlic is one of those individual lobes.

When should I use garlic powder? ›

“I like to use powder in anything where you don't really want the garlic to be visible, and you want the flavor to be fully infused into whatever you're cooking,” Frisch said. That includes things like soups, stews, salad dressings and mac and cheese.

What is the best garlic powder to use? ›

Any Garlic Powder Will Do

The great news is that every garlic powder in our lineup delivered warm, nutty, spicy-sweet garlic flavor, and we recommend all of them. Our tasters did note a slight preference for the "punchy, spicy, and sweet" flavor of Morton & Bassett Garlic Powder.

Does powdered garlic have any health benefits? ›

Boosts immune function: Garlic powder contains compounds that help strengthen the immune system, reducing the risk of colds and infections. Supports heart health: Research suggests that garlic powder may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, contributing to a healthier heart.

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