Amatyakaraka Calculator (2024)

1. Amatyakaraka Calculator -

  • Amatyakaraka Calculator is an app which helps to find your Amatyakaraka planet by date of birth and other birth details.

  • Amatyakaraka refers to the planet that is most responsible for the individual's occupation or profession. While there are different factors involved in choosing a career path, Amatyakaraka does play a significant role in this process.

2. Atmakaraka Calculator - Lunarium

  • Calculates Atmakaraka (the Ruler of the Soul, as defined in Vedic Astrology) for the given birth details.

3. Know Your Atmakaraka Planet - Your Soul Significator - Vedic Rishi

  • Our Free Atmakaraka Calculator can give you valuable insight into your strengths, challenges, and the steps you can take to align with your true purpose in life ...

  • Find your life's purpose and know the power of your soul with our Free Atmakaraka Calculator. Explore your Atmakaraka's impact on relationships, career, and spiritual growth. Personalized insights and mantras included.

4. Unicom Computacion

5. Free Birth Chart Calculator - Divine Time Astrology

  • Free Birth Chart Calculator. Tropical zodiac with Sidereal Nakshatras. Find out your Atmakaraka, Darakaraka, and all Jaimini Chara karakas.

6. Atmakaraka Calculator -

  • Atmakaraka Calculator. Atmakaraka Calculator is an app which helps to find your Atmakaraka planet by date of birth and other birth details.

  • Atmakaraka as the name suggest means the planet which signifies your soul. Atmakataka is the planet which signifies about deepest bondage of your soul in this life.

7. Atmakaraka calculator free. Sun Sign Calculator Atmakaraka calculator free

  • 22 uur geleden · This online calculator will generate the instant Vedic janam kundli charts. Amatyakaraka –. Mercury as DaraKaraka puts a big emphasis on ...

  • Av. San Jerónimo 336 Col San Jerónimo Monterrey, Nuevo León, México C.P. 64640. Derechos Reservados.

8. Chara Dasha Calculation Software

  • Jaimini Astrology Calculator is free. Jaimini Chara Dasha Calculation Horoscope generate dasha your report online free based on your date of birth.

  • Jaimini Astrology Calculator is free. Jaimini Chara Dasha Calculation Horoscope generate dasha your report online free based on your date of birth. Jaimini maharshi prepared the chara dasha system in Vedic astrology.

9. Chart Calculator | Parashara's Light

  • Please enter your birth data in the form below. Click Here to Create Charts with Glyphs. Please fill out the form to view the personalized content.

  • Please fill out the form to view the personalized content.

10. Online Horoscope Calculator: Get Your Birth Chart Report - AstroSage

  • Online horoscope calculator is the most accurate astrology birth chart calculator on the Internet. It creates Horoscope or Birth Chart for exact moment.

11. Birth Chart Calculator - Astro Isha

  • Birth Chart Calculator. If your location isn't available than add it: Add Location. Calculate Horoscope. Name: Gender: Male. Female. Chart Style: North Indian.

  • Comprehensive Guide to Vedic Astrology

12. How to calculate Arudha Lagna - The other you!!! (Vedic Astrology Secrets)

  • ... Amatyakaraka in the birth chart, it takes position at the 2 nd highest degree after the mighty Atmakaraka. Chara means movable and one of eight planets (Sun ...

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13. Atmakaraka Planet Calculator : Know The Desire Of Your Soul - InstaAstro

  • The most common method, however, is to calculate which planet has accumulated the most points based on the letters of a person's name. Each letter of the ...

  • Atmakaraka Planet Calculator : Know The Desire Of Your Soul Atma stands for the soul and karaka stands for significator ...Read More!

14. Arabic Lots (Astrology Online Calculator)

  • Arabic Lots Calculator Astrology Arabic Parts Universal Online Calculator · Lot = Personal Point + Significator - Trigger · Lot Formulas List.

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15. 2024 Calculate Degree Of Planets In Astrology and placed

  • 1 dag geleden · ... amatyakaraka planet astrology karaka planet represents mental power native innermost professional quality power wealth whether. indicates ...

Amatyakaraka Calculator (2024)


How do you know your Amatyakaraka? ›

Amatyakaraka is one of the Chara-karakas(temporary karka), which is accountable for the domain and employment of the person. To discover it, you need to look at which Graha has the second highest degree in the main birth chart. We know that the Graha with the highest degree is Atma Karaka (Graha of the soul).

How do I calculate my Atmakaraka? ›

To find your Atmakaraka, you must have a copy of your birth chart with degree information for each planet. Once you have the chart, identify the planet with the highest degree. This planet is your Atmakaraka. In Vedic astrology, Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in a person's birth chart.

What is the difference between Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka? ›

The Planet With the highest Degree in a birth chart is known as Atmakaraka Planet. We can compare it with Lagna of our birth chart. The Planet which gets the next highest degree after Atmakaraka, is known as amatyakaraka Planet.

Which planet is best as Atmakaraka? ›

Sukra (English Venus)

What is the significance of Amatyakaraka? ›

The Amatyakaraka planet is believed to represent qualities related to career, profession, guidance, and counseling in a person's life. It is considered significant in determining the individual's professional path and the nature of their interactions with authority figures or mentors.

Which Karaka is for wealth? ›

Jupiter is one of the natural Dhana-karaka (significator of wealth), a strong Jupiter gives lifelong prosperity and financial stability.

Is Rahu an Amatyakaraka? ›

Rahu as your Amatyakaraka will make you work in multiple projects & bless you with good command over multiple skills. It will give you foreign connections & out-of-the-box ideas to perform better.

What is the Moon as Amatyakaraka? ›

Amatyakaraka Moon. This Graha illustrates the mind. It often occurs in people operating in bureaucratic work or areas connected to intellectual work. Since the Moon also depicts women, it can talk about work in the field of goods or assistance for women.

Is Amatyakaraka the sun? ›

Role of Planets As Amatyakaraka

The Amatya Karaka planet in your chart signifies your career and profession. It indicates the area of life in which you will likely find success and recognition. Sun Amatyakaraka – Indicates leadership roles and spotlight careers like politics and entertainment.

What is the soul purpose of the Atmakaraka? ›

Atmakaraka is the significator of the soul's desire. According to the Vedic philosophy a soul is reborn because it has unfinished desires that were left unfulfilled in the previous lives and it is born again to get another opportunity to satisfy them.

How do I find my strongest planet in astrology? ›

If you see a planet in its ruling house, it's considered to be a planet with essential dignity and it's very strong. For instance, the Sun rules Leo, so if you have the Sun in your Fifth House, it's even more powerful.

What is the best planet for human life? ›

Simple answer: Mars, because it already has a day which is about the right length, and heating planets is easier than cooling them.

How to find Karaka in astrology? ›

The Sun is the karaka of the lagna, the 9th and the 10th; Jupiter is the karaka of the 2nd, 5th, 10th and the 11th; Mars is the karaka of the 3rd and the 6th; the Moon is the karaka of the 4th; Mercury is the karaka of the 4th and the 10th; Saturn is the karaka of the 6th, 8th, 10th and the 12th and Venus is the karaka ...

How do you identify Yogakaraka planet? ›

Identifying Yogakaraka Planets:

Yogakaraka planets are determined based on the ascendant or the rising sign in an individual's birth chart (also known as the “Lagna”). These planets rule specific houses in the birth chart and are responsible for forming beneficial yoga combinations.

How to calculate putrakaraka? ›

In astrology 5th house rules children and the ruler of 5th house should be considered Putra karaka. For example for Aries Lagna 5th lord Sun becomes Putrakaraka. Jupiter is considered natural lord of Putra and hence Jupiter is considered natural Putra Karaka.

How do you know Karakamsha? ›

Follow the steps below to know the Karakamsa Lagna in the birth chart. 1) Find the planet obtaining most advanced in longitude (degrees) in any sign in the chart (excluding Ketu). This planet is known as Atmakaraka. 2) Now, open Navamsa chart and identify the sign where this Atmakaraka planet is situated.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.