12 Out-of-Office Message Templates for Holidays (2024)

SectionKey Points
Introduction– Importance of setting up holiday out-of-office messages.
– Provides realistic expectations for email replies.
Purpose– Prevents email anxiety.
– Shows conscientiousness and organization.
Templates– Grouped into categories: Basic, Call-if-you-need-to, Ultra-brief, Friendly, Internal, Company holiday, and Festive.
– Each category has variations to choose from.
Bonus– Festive Phrases group offers holiday greetings and sign-offs.

Going away for the holidays? Don’t forget to set up your holiday out-of-office message!An out-of-office message lets clients and coworkers who email you know you’re away and sets realistic expectations for when you’ll reply.

But you don’t need to create one from scratch. Through the Holiday Out-Of-Office Messages Public Group, you get access to twelve ready-made (but totally customizable) out-of-office replies. All you need to do is pick one, customize it to your needs, and expand.

A holiday out-of-office message prevents email anxiety

Clients and coworkers expect to get a reply within a few hours of sending you an email. If you go on vacation, it could be weeks before they hear back from you.

At the very least, your silence will make them anxious. At the worst, it will be mistaken for digital snubbery, a lack of interest, or even negligence.

Setting up a holiday out-of-office message shows that you’re conscientious and organized, and provides people with the information they need to get their needs met while you’re away.

Holiday out-of-office message templates

Based on their style and content, we grouped our ready-made out-of-office messages into the following categories:

1) Basic
2) Call-if-you-need-to
3) Ultra-brief
4) Friendly
5) Internal
6) Company holiday
7) Festive

Some categories have several snippet options; others have just one. All snippets are available through the Public Group Holiday Out Of Office Messages. To gain access, visit the group page and click Subscribe.

Basic out-of-office messages

Our Basic out-of-office replies list the essentials: the reason you’re away; the date you’ll be back; and who to contact in your absence. You can choose from one of four variations:

Basic holiday out-of-office message #1

(Abbreviation: em.v1booo)

Thanks for your email. I will be out of the office [start date] – [end date]. If you need assistance while I am away, please contact [name] at [email] or [phone]. Otherwise, I will respond to your email when I return.

Sample message:

Thanks for your email. I will be out of the office Dec 1-Jan 3. If you need assistance while I am away, please contact Tim at tim@gmail.com or 510-555-0103. Otherwise, I will respond to your email when I return.

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Thanks for your email. I will be out of the office [start date] – [end date]. If you need assistance while I am away, please contact [name] at [email] or [phone]. Otherwise, I will respond to your email when I return.

Thanks for reaching out! I’m currently [describe what you’re doing] and will be taking a break from email to [bigger reason]. I’ll respond to all my messages as soon as I’m back in the office on [date]. If you need help before then, please email my [role], [name], at [email address].

We are closed / on vacation until [date]. We will respond to your message when we are back to work on [date]. (Optional) If you have an emergency, however, you can reach [name] at [phone].

12 Out-of-Office Message Templates for Holidays (1)

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Basic holiday out-of-office message #2

(Abbreviation: em.v2booo)

Thank you for your message. I am out of the office / away on vacation until [date] and will have limited email access while I am away. If you need immediate assistance, please contact [name], at [email] or [phone]. Otherwise, I will respond to your email when I return.

Sample message:

Thank you for your message. I am away on vacation until Jan 3 and will have limited email access while I am away. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Cynthia at cynthia@hey.com or 946-555-6319. Otherwise, I will respond to your email when I return.

Basic holiday out-of-office message #3

(Abbreviation: em.v3booo)

Thanks for reaching out. I will be away until [date]. If you need help with [topic] in the meantime, please contact [name] at [email]. Otherwise, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Sample message:

Thanks for reaching out. I will be away until Jan 3. In the meantime, if you need help with billing, please contact Jack at jack@gmail.com. Otherwise, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Basic holiday out-of-office message #4

(Abbreviation: em.v4booo)

I am away on vacation [start date]-[end date] and plan to disconnect from email during that time. If your message can wait, I will respond as soon as I return. For urgent matters, please contact [role] [name] at [email] or [phone].

Sample message:

I am away on vacation Dec 1-Jan 3 and plan to disconnect from email during that time. If your message can wait, I will respond as soon as I return. For urgent matters, please contact Strategic Partnerships Manager Stacy at stacy@gmail.com or 946-555-5555.

Call-if-you-need-to out-of-office messages

In addition to fulfilling the basic requirements of an OOO message, these call-me-if-you-need-to templates provide those who emailed you with a phone number in case of an emergency.

Call-if-you-need-to holiday out-of-office message #5

(Abbreviation: em.callooo)

Thank you for your message. I am out of the office with no email access. I will be back on [date]. If you need immediate assistance before then, you may reach me at [phone number].

Sample message:

Thank you for your message. I am out of the office, with no email access. I will be back on Jan 3. If you need immediate assistance before then, you may reach me at (451) 555-0190.

Call-if-you-need-to holiday out-of-office message #6

(Abbreviation: em.v2callooo)

Thank you for reaching out. I am currently on vacation, with no email access. I will be back on [date]. If you need urgent help, you can reach me at [phone number].

Sample message:

Thank you for reaching out. I am currently on vacation, with no email access. I will be back on Jan 3. If you need urgent help, you can reach me at 510-555-0197.

Ultra-brief out-of-office messages

Come the holiday season, who has the time to read lengthy messages? Spare email recipients from unnecessary details with these straight-to-the-point out-of-the-office messages.

Ultra-brief holiday out-of-office message #7

(Abbreviation: em.v1brooo)

I will be away from [start date – end date]. For urgent matters, you can email [name] at [email address].

Sample message:

I will be away from Dec 1 – Jan 3. For urgent matters, you can email David at david@david.com.

Ultra-brief holiday out-of-office message #8

(Abbreviation: em.v2brooo)

I will be away from [start date – end date]. If it’s urgent, you can email [name] at [email address].

Sample message:

I will be away from Dec 1 – Jan 3. If it’s urgent, you can email Harry at harry@harry.com.

Friendly out-of-office message

Busy AND bubbly? We have just the OOO message you need. Get your holiday out of the office message up and running in no time without losing any bit of your friendly personality.

Friendly holiday out-of-office message #9

(Abbreviation: em.frooo)

Thanks for reaching out! I’m currently [describe what you’re doing] and will be taking a break from email to [bigger reason]. I’ll respond to all my messages as soon as I’m back in the office on [date]. If you need help before then, please email my [role], [name], at [email address].

Sample message:

Thanks for reaching out! I’m currently visiting family and will be taking a break from email to relax and enjoy the holidays. I’ll respond to all my messages as soon as I’m back in the office on Monday, Jan 3. If you need help before then, please email my coworker, Tina, at tina@hey.com.

Internal out-of-office message

When you need an out-of-office message for the folks inside the office, this is the one to use. It includes the essentials of an OOO reply, plus directions for where to find information about a project you’ve been working on and the contact details of a team member who can also provide help.

Internal holiday out-of-office message #10

(Abbreviation: em.intooo)

I’m out of the office until [end date] and will respond to emails when I return. If you need to access the [materials] for the [project], they can be found in [location]. If you need something urgent, please contact [name].

Sample message:

I’m out of the office until Jan 3 and will respond to emails when I return. If you need to access the January posts for the blog, they can be found in Drive>Blog>January 2021. If you need something urgent, please contact Suzie.

Company holiday

If you need a holiday out-of-office message for the team or company as a whole, this is a good one to use. With pop-up options and optional text, it can be customized to meet your needs.

Company holiday out-of-office message #11

(Abbreviation: em.holiday)

We are closed / on vacation until [date]. We will respond to your message when we are back to work on [date]. (Optional) If you have an emergency, however, you can reach [name] at [phone].

Sample messages:

We are closed until Dec. 26. We will respond to your message when we are back to work on Monday, Dec. 27. If you have an emergency, however, you can reach us at 825-333-5858.

Festive out-of-office message

Did you say festive? Our festive OOO comes with all the holiday cheer you can fit in a short reply.

Festive holiday out-of-office message #12

(Abbreviation: em.festooo)

[Festive greetings]
I’m currently away from my inbox [holiday activity]. I’ll be back on [date] and will respond to your message then. If you need immediate assistance, please email [name] at [email address].
[Festive signoff]

Sample message:

Season’s greetings!
I’m currently away from my inbox watching corny holiday movies. I’ll be back on Jan 3 and will respond to your message then. If you need immediate assistance, please send your email to Chelsea at chelsea@chelsea.com.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season,

Holidays greetings + sign-offs for emails

To help you get into the holiday spirit even before you go away, we created a Public Group for Festive Phrases, too. In it, you’ll find pop-up style snippets you can start using in messages today.

Snippet #1

(Abbreviation: ;festgreet)

  1. Season’s greetings!
  2. Happy holidays!
  3. Greetings,

Snippet #2

(Abbreviation: ;festoff)

  1. Best wishes for a happy holiday season,
  2. Happy ho-ho-holidays!
  3. Happy holidays,
  4. Have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year,
  5. Sending wishes for a happy holiday season,
  6. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season,

New Year’s Day out-of-office message

Thank you for your email. I’m out of the office celebrating New Year’s Day and will not check my emails until [return date]. Your message is important to me, and I’ll ensure to respond as soon as I return.

For urgent matters, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Wishing you a prosperous and joyful New Year!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day out-of-office message

Thank you for reaching out. I’m currently away from the office in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and will not be checking my emails until [return date]. I value your message and will respond as soon as I’m back.

If you have an immediate concern, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Let’s take a moment today to remember and honor the legacy of Dr. King and his vision for equality and justice.

Presidents Day out-of-office message

Thank you for your email. I’m currently out of the office in observance of Presidents Day and will be returning on [return date]. During this time, I won’t be checking my emails regularly, but I’ll make sure to respond to your message once I’m back.

For urgent matters, please reach out to [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Wishing you a reflective Presidents Day as we honor the leaders of our nation’s past.

Memorial Day out-of-office message

Thank you for reaching out. I’m currently away from the office in observance of Memorial Day and will not be checking my emails until [return date]. Your message is important to me, and I’ll respond as soon as I return.

Please contact [Alternative Contact Name] for immediate concerns at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Today, let’s take a moment to remember and honor the brave individuals who have sacrificed for our nation’s freedom. 🇺🇸

Juneteenth out-of-office message

Thank you for your email. I’m out of the office in observance of Juneteenth and will return on [return date]. I won’t be checking my emails during this period, but rest assured, I’ll attend to your message once I’m back.

Please contact [Alternative Contact Name] for urgent matters at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Today, we commemorate the end of slavery in the U.S. and reflect on the ongoing journey toward equality and justice for all.

Independence Day out-of-office message

Thank you for reaching out. I’m out of the office celebrating Independence Day and will not check my emails until [return date]. Your message is important to me, and I’ll respond promptly upon my return.

Please contact [Alternative Contact Name] for urgent matters at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Here’s wishing you a festive and safe Independence Day! 🎆

Labor Day out-of-office message

Thank you for reaching out. I’m currently away from the office in observance of Labor Day and will be returning on [return date]. I won’t be checking my emails regularly during this time, but I promise to respond to your message as soon as I’m back.

If urgent, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Let’s take a moment today to honor workers’ contributions everywhere. Wishing you a restful and rejuvenating Labor Day!

Columbus Day out-of-office message

Thank you for your email. I’m out of the office in observance of Columbus Day and will return on [return date]. I won’t be checking my emails during this period, but rest assured, I’ll attend to your message once I’m back.

Please contact [Alternative Contact Name] for immediate concerns at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Today, as we reflect on the historical significance of this day, let’s also acknowledge the diverse narratives and perspectives that shape our nation’s history. ⛵️

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Thank you for reaching out. I’m currently away from the office in observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day and will return on [return date]. I won’t be checking my emails regularly during this time, but I promise to respond to your message as soon as I’m back.

For any urgent matters, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Today, we honor and celebrate the rich histories, cultures, and contributions of Indigenous peoples. Let’s take a moment to recognize and respect the first inhabitants of this land.

Veterans Day out-of-office message

Thank you for your email. I’m out of the office in observance of Veterans Day and will return on [return date]. I won’t be checking my emails during this period, but I’ll ensure to respond to your message once I’m back.

For any immediate concerns, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Today, we pause to honor and express our gratitude to the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed for our nation’s freedom. Wishing you a reflective Veterans Day. 🇺🇸

Thanksgiving out-of-office message

Thank you for your email. I’m currently away from the office in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday and will not be checking my emails until [return date]. I appreciate your patience and will respond to your message when I return.

If you have an urgent matter, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and joy! 🦃

Christmas out-of-office message

Thank you for reaching out. I’m out of the office celebrating Christmas with my loved ones and will not be checking my emails until [return date]. Your message is important to me, and I’ll respond as soon as I’m back.

If your matter is urgent, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a joyful holiday season! 🎄

Vacation out-of-office message

Thank you for your email. I’m on vacation and will be away from the office until [return date]. During this period, I won’t be checking my emails regularly. Rest assured, I’ll attend to your message as soon as I’m back.

If your matter requires immediate attention, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

I appreciate your understanding, and I’ll be in touch soon!

Sick day out-of-office message

Thank you for reaching out. I’m currently unwell and won’t be checking my emails today. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. I’ll respond to your message as soon as I’ve recovered.

If your concern is urgent, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Email or Phone Number].

Wishing you a healthy day ahead.

Choose your holiday out-of-office messages

Setting up a holiday out-of-office message sets off your vacation to a great start. But you don’t need to create your out-of-office reply from scratch. Instead, subscribe to the Public Group Holiday Out-Of-Office Messages and choose from 12 ready-made out-of-office reply templates.

Oh, and if you’re feeling festive, subscribe to the Festive Phrases group to gain access to holiday greetings and festive sign-offs.

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Why should I set up a holiday out-of-office message?

A: An out-of-office message informs clients and coworkers of your absence, sets expectations for your reply, and shows that you’re organized and considerate.

How many out-of-office templates are available in the article?

The article provides 12 ready-made out-of-office reply templates grouped into various categories.

What are the categories of the templates?

The templates are categorized into Basic, Call-if-you-need-to, Ultra-brief, Friendly, Internal, Company holiday, and Festive.

Are there any additional resources provided in the article?

Yes, a bonus section introduces the “Festive Phrases” group, which offers holiday greetings and festive sign-offs.

Where can I access these templates?

The templates are available through the Public Group “Holiday Out-Of-Office Messages“. You can subscribe to the group to gain access.

12 Out-of-Office Message Templates for Holidays (2024)


12 Out-of-Office Message Templates for Holidays? ›

I'm currently offline until [date] to celebrate the holiday with my loved ones—without my phone in front of my face. I'll be sure to reply to your message when I wade through my inbox upon my return. If your message is time-sensitive, please send an email to [Contact Name] at [contact email].

How do you write an out of office message for holidays? ›

I'm currently offline until [date] to celebrate the holiday with my loved ones—without my phone in front of my face. I'll be sure to reply to your message when I wade through my inbox upon my return. If your message is time-sensitive, please send an email to [Contact Name] at [contact email].

How do you announce an office closed for a holiday? ›

Our business will be celebrating [public holiday] this month, so we will be out of office on [date]. For this reason, we will be slower to respond than usual. You can check out our [insert link to Help Desk] if you have any urgent questions, but rest assured we'll get back to you as soon as we return.

How do you write a half day out of office? ›

I'm on half-day AM leave today. Will respond to your email when I'm back in the office later. The information in this message is intended for the recipient named on this email.

What is the best ooo message for Christmas? ›

I'm out of the office for the holidays from [date] until [date]. I'll reply to your email as soon as I can upon my return. If your message is urgent, please contact [insert name /email/phone here]. Pretty efficient, right?

What is an example of a holiday notification email? ›

The [company name] offices will be closed in [regions] from [date] to [date] for the holidays. You can find the full calendar of office closures here [link]. We hope you enjoy this time to rest, recharge, and spend quality time with loved ones. Happy holidays!

How do I set out of office holidays in Outlook? ›

In Calendar, on the Home tab, select New Event. Add a title for the event, then select the start and end dates. To block out an entire day (or days), slide the All day toggle on. Busy, then choose Out of office from the drop-down.

How do you write a professional out of office message? ›

[Your personal greeting],

Thanks for your message! Unfortunately, I'm away from the office for [reason] and won't be back until [return date]. I'll be happy to respond to your message when I return, but if you need urgent assistance, feel free to contact [name of colleague + their job title] at [email, phone, etc.].

What is a short out of office message example? ›

I will be out of the office starting (Starting Date) through (End Date) returning(Date of Return). If you need immediate assistance during my absence, please contact (Contacts Name) at (Contacts Email Address). Otherwise I will respond to your emails as soon as possible upon my return. Thank you for your message.

What is a good auto reply message? ›

I am out of the office now but will reply ASAP. You can expect a reply by [Date] at the latest. You can contact [Team Member] at [Phone Number] for anything you need.

What is a normal out of office message? ›

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office until [return date] for [general reason]. I will be unable to reply to your message until after I return. If you need assistance in the meantime, please contact [name of colleague] at [colleague's contact information].

How do you say the office is closed for a holiday? ›

We are writing to remind you that our office will be closed from [X date - X date] for [insert holiday]. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you need to get into contact with us, please leave us a voicemail at [Phone Number] and we will return your call as soon as our office reopens on [date].

How do you professionally say you will be out of office? ›

I will be out of the office starting (Starting Date) through (End Date) returning(Date of Return). If you need immediate assistance during my absence, please contact (Contacts Name) at (Contacts Email Address). Otherwise I will respond to your emails as soon as possible upon my return. Thank you for your message.

What is a good example of an out of office message? ›

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, I'm out of the office from [day/month] to [day/month] with limited/ no access to email. If your question can wait, I'll be responding to any emails I miss when I return. If not, contact [Name] at [email] or [phone] and he/she will take care of your request.

How do you write a holiday message? ›

Let us cherish family and friends this holiday season. Wishing you a season filled with warm moments and cherished memories. Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy New Year. Holiday greetings and best wishes for a New Year of happiness in a world of peace.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.